Demonstrating Local-level Solidarity with Developing Countries

2008: At the request of the Swiss Government, King Zollinger elaborated a series of good examples of local-level international solidarity.

In 2006/2007, King Zollinger explored the potential for closer involvement of Swiss cantons and towns in the efforts of the Government to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. In 2008, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) asked us to elaborate a series of practical “good examples” illustrating how Swiss municipalities are successfully demonstrating solidarity with developing countries. Examples of international solidarity include social integration of migrants, responsible investment practices of public pension funds, sustainable energy, North-South cooperation on biodiversity, climate neutral mobility, investing 0.7% of communal budgets in support of the MDGs, and sustainable procurement of wood and paper-based products. For more information about the examples, visit the ARE website at Contact: Alison King