2024: Urs Zollinger led the evaluation of the project "Industrial capacity-building, policy advice and diagnostics for the green recovery of Ukraine”
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2024: King Zollinger, represented by Urs Zollinger, was mandated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to conduct this evaluation
2024: Alison King led the formative evaluation of the UNFPA regional programme for Eastern Europe and Central Asia 2022-2025.
The evaluation’s…
2023: Urs Zollinger led the final evaluation of this UNIDO programme
The objective of the GQSP is to strengthen the quality and standards compliance…
2023: Urs Zollinger supported and moderated this forward looking event in Basel
The meeting of the Systems Support & Health Promotion Unit (SHPU) of…
2023: Alison King contributed to this formative evaluation as the senior evaluator. The objectives of this evaluation were to analyse the…
2023: Alison King produced a synthesis of IAEA evaluations
The meta-synthesis of evaluations of the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency…
2023: Urs Zollinger mandated to lead the synthesis study of 80 UNIDO project evaluation form 2018-2022
The purpose of the synthesis of evaluations…
2023: Urs Zollinger evaluated the ILO project STRENGHTEN2
Urs concluded that the project is highly relevant. The lack of jobs in Africa in…
2022: Urs Zollinger participated in this peer review together with senior panel members from ILO, UNESCO and ex-UNDP.
The objectives of the peer…
2022: King Zollinger provided facilitation support for the new four-year LED strategy 2023-2026
The Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) engages…
2022: Urs Zollinger led this evaluation.
Medicus Mundi Switzerland is an association of Swiss organisations active in international health…
2022: King Zollinger supported the development of the new Swiss bilateral cooperation programme for the two countries
Mandated by the Swiss Embassy…
2022: Urs Zollinger was co-team leader of this strategic evaluation.
The MTPF is UNIDO’s most important strategic planning instrument. The…
2021/22: Senior evaluator Alison King was part of a corporate evaluation to assess UNFPA’s engagement in the reform of the UN development system.
2022: King Zollinger supported the SDG Lab in Geneva in designing it next three-year strategy
The strategy support to the SDG Lab (www.sdglab.ch)…
2022: Mandated by the United Nations System Staff College in Turin, King Zollinger revised the training course for UN staff
The objective of the…
2021: Urs Zollinger led a three-person team in evaluating - at mid-point - UNIDO’s Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP)
2021: King Zollinger provided facilitation and drafting support for three new Swiss bilateral cooperation programmes
Mandated by the Swiss Embassies…
2020/21: Alison King led a review of UNFPA’s alignment to its transformative results during the Strategic Plan 2018-21 cycle
– i.e., the extent to…
The evaluation of UNFPA’s country programme in Lao PDR, with…
The main purpose of the independent mid-term…
King Zollinger…
Urs concluded that Better Work is undoubtedly a success story. Based on the…
King Zollinger supported…
The objective of the assessment was to help prepare for and…
In this evaluation…
Alison conducted this evaluation with three national…
Alison’s role included coordinating…
King Zollinger supported the planning…
Urs supported the review of the current cinfo strategy 2017-2020 leading to…
As an evaluation team member, Urs contributed to…
The Women and Girls First Initiative is being implemented in the…
The Inspection and Evaluation…
The purpose of the meta-analysis was to generate…
The mid-term evaluation was a…
The objective of the evaluation was to…
The objective of the evaluation was to improve…
The support…
This regional…
After having evaluated UNFPA’s Tajikistan country…
In 2015,…
Alison King led the ex-post evaluation of…
King Zollinger supported the…
The purpose of this evaluation was to provide…
The purpose of this review was to provide UNIDO with a synthesised view on the Organizations…
This Professional Peer Review of the…
The focus of the evaluation was on the process leading to CFC certification. The purpose of…
The innovative public-private partnership between the Royal Government of Cambodia, KOICA, Samsung…
As part of the ECOSOC dialogue on the longer-term positioning of the UN…
At the beginning of 2015, Alison King teamed…
Alison King was an external team member of the OIOS-IED…
The overall goal of the…
Together with two national consultants, Alison King conducted an independent…
The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian…
The objective of the Professional Peer…
The main purpose of this evaluation was to provide UNIDO with…
In collaboration with IED, King Zollinger revised and updated the IED Inspection and…
The review covered 16 CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs). Its objectives were to…
The evaluation was conducted in order to provide guidance on business partnerships to…
Placing a particular emphasis on…
Urs Zollinger…
The purpose of the review was to enhance the…
The evaluation focused on four key…
Within the overall…
The evaluation was conducted to inform UNIDO…
This evaluation,…
This independent country evaluation covers…
In 2010, the Food and Agriculture…
In 2008, the United Nations Development…
In 2010, Alison King continued…
In 2010, Alison King continued to provide support to the…
In May 2010, the Council of…
In 2006, the Office of…
In 2008/2009, Urs Zollinger…
The process evaluation assesses the extent to which the UNIDO Field…
In 2009, the Division…
The Division responsible for…