2008-2010: Alison King monitored EC-funded programmes and projects in Africa and recommended actions for improvement.
In 2010, Alison King continued her work as senior international expert to monitor EC-funded programmes and projects in Africa in areas such as rural development, agriculture, democracy, child protection, disabilities, education and training, aid effectiveness and institutional capacity development. The Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) system of the European Commission scores development programmes and projects against internationally agreed criteria: relevance and quality of design, efficiency, effectiveness, impact prospects and potential sustainability, for which knowledge of project cycle management and the logical framework approach is essential. In 2010, Alison conducted missions to Ghana, Swaziland and South Africa. Previously, she carried out results-oriented monitoring in Ethiopia, The Gambia (mission leader), Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland (mission leader). Contact: Alison King